Sunday, October 17, 2010

Happy Dussehra/Vijaya Dasami

A very Happy Vijaya Dasami to all my loved ones...its been years since v r celebrating the festival outside of India...but where ever we celebrated we made sure we had some frens visiting us that day or some sort of get together...this year we attended annaprasana function of our frens daugther and also one of my college frens visited us with her mom....I defenetely miss the festive mood that prevails in the villages though...what I miss.....
  • Waking up when the sun rays fall on me while sleeping outside :):):)
  • Making the THORANAM with mango leaves ( kind of garland ....that we hang at each door )..
  • Waiting for the pooja to be done ..most of the times there used to be no breakfast..
  • Feasting on the day's specialities..THIS I SHOULD SAY I WON"T MISS..Bcos the QUEEN is an excellent cook and she does make all of those varieities..strike this off
  • Weaarning new clothese ( 'coruse we do wear new clothese even now ) and going to attend a special ceremony at a special tree called SHAMI VRUKSHAM or JAMMI CHETTU ( in Telugu ). Thats the place we meet all the people in the village...

Am sure the Prince would've fun doing all that....siiigghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

PS : This year though Dussehra is celebrated on the same day ( 17th )...the day on which our elders had decided years ago that Myself and the Queen should get another of those years pass by.................

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Queen's Birthday

Writing this a few days after the Queen's was actually on 10-10-10...somewhat special huh......the special thing that happened that day was that we ( Prince and Myself ) baked a cake for her...'course the her recipe only:):). It came out wonderful though. All the people who ate it liked it. Big pat on ourselves. And then the Queen says she wanted to go to a particular Indian restaurant for lunch.. the address of which or the name of which i haven't found out until that moment even though she had mentioned many a times...yeh yeh thats me a very very lazy guy..procrastination is full of my blood..what to do....thats me:) somehow we made it to the restaurent in time for the buffet..glad that the foods was good and the Queen was Happy.

Come evening we had dinner at CheeseCake was awsome..our frens treated us for the night and there was a suprise for her ( a cute bracelet ). The fun part was having three kids with us ( The Prince and Frens' two daugthers ). oR should I say daring part. At the end of it all ended well..

Happy Birthday to the QUEEN of My Heart:):):)..LOVE U

Saturday, October 2, 2010

curiosity killed the laptop

My super duper CURIOUR PRINCE was curious to check what happens if he puts waater on the laptop keyboard...he sure found out.........that it won't boot up agaain !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks to BEST BUYs warranty we had for 3 here we go to one of the doctors @best buy:):)....